YDA Enhances The Producers Award

The Young Director Award has enhanced and refocussed the entry criterion for its Producers Award, allowing it to more accurately recognise and reward one or more producers from one production company who have been instrumental in developing young directing talent.
The award will go to the producer(s) and their production company that have contributed the most to developing young directors over the previous three-year period, and the trophy will be handed over at the YDA ceremony on June 21 in Cannes.

“Since its inception the YDA has talked about, voted on and championed young directors but it was only further down the line that the realisation hit us that, of course, behind every director there is a producer,” said Francois Chilot, the YDA president. “It is producers who discover, nurture and promote new, young directing talent and we feel it is our duty at the YDA to celebrate the best of those producers with our Producers Award. They are an integral part of the production and directorial process and therefore need to be an integral part of the YDA.”

To enter the Producers Award companies must submit a reel showcasing one or more directors whose work has been produced under the guidance, investment, or banner of your company. The directors in question must have no more than three years’ experience in the business and entrant companies may show the work of one director and their progress, or multiple directors to show depth or breadth of talent development. All relevant information and entry guidelines can be found on the YDA Entry website.

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