Since establishing Stink in 1998, Daniel Bergmann has been one of the most fascinating figureheads in the industry and has been on the forefront of award-winning film and production globally. As Stink continually evolves with changing technologies and innovation, he stays ahead of the curve and focuses on what he’s best known for, honing in on the world’s best talent.


Today the company is defined by Stink Filmsan inspiring home for talent and independence, which is reflected in our culture and through our work and Stink Studios, that produces award winning content and craft across advertising, entertainment, music and the arts.


Daniel has been responsible for some of the world’s most famous films and commercials, which reflects his passion and determination for good story telling. He has made it Stink’s mission to continue to discover and nurture local and international talent, especially in places that the mainstream industry overlooks.


Daniel has collected a multitude of global awards including Grand Prix and Gold Cannes Lions, D&AD, BTAA, named Production Company of the Year by Campaign and Ad Age. Stink has been recognised as the second most awarded company by the Gunn Report, Ad Age and positioned third at Cannes Lions Palm D’Or in 2016. Daniel has served as a judge for a number of awards shows including Cannes Lions, Eurobest and as Jury Chairman for British Arrows and Ciclope.

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