Winning Post: Josh Dawson

The second in our series of quizzing this year’s YDA winners is Josh Dawson who won 2nd prize in the Charity Europe category for his film Equality shot through Radical Media, Germany.

What have been your highlights since winning at the YDA show in Cannes six months ago?

I wouldn’t say there is a specific highlight or eureka moment but since the YDA I have been approached and signed by companies that have always been on my list of the greats around Europe, there isn’t more that I could have asked for from the last six months.

What’s the best film making lesson you’ve learnt?

The best film making lesson I have learnt is that nothing is impossible with film. You can create everything and anything. It’s good to keep that in mind when exploring ideas and building concepts. Think outside the box, far outside the box.

And the wisest quote about film making?

The wisest quote about films and commercials comes from my father. ‘First be right, then be brilliant’.

Your worst nightmare production story was when….

The worst production story would be when I was producing a friend’s feature maybe eight years ago. He was still in his teens and not an experienced filmmaker. He wanted to direct, shoot and edit everything which had me a little worried. For example, first day on set and we are about to move on to the second setup and he wants to break the Line on the reverse shot. One of the first lessons you learn is not to break the line. There was another four weeks of shooting. A few lessons learnt from the shoot and he has become a very promising musician now.

What would be your dream directing job next year?

Dream directing job for next year? Well that would be to create the feature I have been writing. However, that would be a long shot for next year.

List five of your favourite films from the past year –  these can be long or short formats.

In no particular order:

Interstellar – Christopher Nolan
The Theory of Everything – James Marsh
Edge of Tomorrow – Doug Liman
The Rover – David Michôd
Gone Girl – David Fincher
Guardians of the Galaxy – James Gunn (Great soundtrack too)
Under the Skin – Jonathan Glazer
Boyhood – Richard Linklater

Damn that is eight.

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