Searchlight: Zubicky & Tempelman

From winning the cfp-e/shots Young Director’s Award in 2008 while still students in Stockholm, Zubicky and Tempelman have now finished their first major commercial project, an interactive film for Wrangler shot through Stink Digital and it’s w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l.

Click pic to play

What were the key lessons you learnt from directing Wrangler?

We learnt lots on many different levels. Above all it was very rewarding to work on an interactive film and doing it together with such a great and skilled production company as Stink Digital. It was plenty of fun and it really whetted our appetite. In fact we’ve also just finished an interactive music video with Stink Digital that is due to be released soon.

We spent five days in New York and one of the days was dedicated for test shooting together with Marcel Kornblum (who is a creative technologist at Stink Digital) and our DOP Axel Lindahl. Stink Digital had already developed a prototype of the interactive effect so we tested shots to see if the scenes worked or not. We were quite confident on how we were supposed to work with the interactive parts of the film by the time of the actual shoot and that gave us more freedom for spontaneity even despite a tight schedule.
It was great to get the opportunity to work in the States and it was nice to be able to shout “Cut!” instead of “Tack!”.

How long have you two been working together – and how do you divide up the roles. Have you got into a working groove?

We first met and started working together during our first year at Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm, so it’s been about four years now. We have different but complimentary strengths and interests and don’t have any predefined areas of responsibility. We usually have a very clear mutual vision when it’s time for the shoot.

Is Sweden still home base?

Yep! Stockholm is still our home base, but we look forward to more field trips 🙂

How would you sum up your directing style?

We think that’s really up to others to say but we hope that people would define us as creative with a distinct feeling for aesthetics and fashion as well as sincere emotions.

Is directing easier or harder than you both thought?

There are of course areas where we feel more at home but at the same time it’s the challenging projects that help us to grow. Lately we’ve tried to push the boundaries of our comfort zone in a few self-initiated projects and these have proved to be very constructive. Every experience gives us more confidence and awareness on how we want to work.

Click pic to see earlier post

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